Convert DHW files to PDF format
Apr 18, 2008 by Stealth
The program converts files from DHW format (ACECAD Digimemo) to PDF format directly. The tool is not foolproof, so any inappropriate parameters or non-".dhw" file selections can crash the program. Tested on Mac OS X 10.5 and Ubuntu 8.04 with Java 1.6 (Sun Microsystems Inc.). The tool was build on a basis of the existing dhw2ps converter and the free Java library for PDF manipulation iText and tested using Digimemo A402 (A4 paper format) and should work with A502 as well. If you have any problems or comments you can email me at "stealth (at) gmx (dot) net"
- compressed archive that contains the java .jar file and the iText library
- source code
How to install
- Download the compressed archive
- Unpack into some folder
- Go to the folder and run as "java -jar JDHW.jar" or "java -cp .:JDHW.jar JDHW"
- "Combine all peges" - creates one multipage pdf-file from several dhw-files.
- "Add vertical grid lines" and "Add horizontal grid lines" - add the lines (see images above)
- "Grid line thickness" and "Stroke thickness" - specify the thicknes of writing and lines ( see images above)
- "Grid line distance" - the distance between the grid lines
- "Select files" - opens the dialog to select one or more dhw-files